New Look!

Check out my new blog design!  Many thanks to Kim from Seven Thirty Three Custom Blog Design! She was so easy to work with and is a design genius! 

I discovered pretty quickly when I started my blog that I am not a web designer. At all. I spent hours researching how to add my own background, design a button, make headers etc. and I only barely figured anything out.  Immediately I started scoping out blog designers, but was having a hard time finding anyone whose work I connected with or whose prices I could justify. :)  I came across an adorable blog and noticed the Seven Thirty Three blog design button.  As soon as I saw Kim's portfolio I was hooked, and her prices can't be beat!  Seriously check her out if you want a new look.  Her portfolio is amazing! I am so excited about my new blog! :)

And because every blog post needs a picture... this girl is excited about my new blog too!


I started a blog!

So I started a blog. I think this will be a craft/DIY/decorating/tales of a stay at home mom type blog, but we'll see. My husband said something about my blog needing direction. I don't know about that, but I do know that my mind is constantly pin balling ideas and that a few of those ideas materialize into a pile of supplies hovering in the dark corners of closets (or on my kitchen counter, whatever) and a few of those piles become an actual creative masterpiece. I'm hoping this blog will be a vehicle for accountability (I can't disappoint my loyal followers!), but I'm not sure I'm willing to limit my creativity to one "direction." Plus, a blog sounds like a great New Year's Resolution. 1. Start blog 2. Update blog regularly 3. Attract at least one reader other than my mom... So jump in and enjoy the ride! I think I'll head North, or maybe Northwest...