About a month ago I discovered
Dana Tanamachi. If you haven't heard of her, click on the link now! She does absolutely amazing things with chalk. Unlike many of my projects, when I saw her work I didn't immediately think, "I can do that!" but I did think "If I can make something that looks even a quarter as good as what she does, I'll be happy." :)
My dearest friend (since we were five!) is getting married this year and we had a little engagement get together this weekend. I was in charge of decor, so I decided to use my newfound inspiration to create a piece of art. I took this quote right from one of Dana's pieces, but I designed it differently using a combination of her techniques.
I started with a 2'x3' piece of mdf (from the same board I bought for my
dog stencil art) that I painted with chalkboard paint. I cut out a stencil for the border using tag board so I didn't have to go crazy trying to freehand it! I sketched the whole thing out beforehand, so I used that as a guide for the writing. The writing was tricky, not just the spacing and sizing of letters, but the actual process, because I was trying not to erase things as I worked. Therefore, I was perched on my kitchen island, hovering over the board in some pretty precarious positions! Great ab workout though!
I think I might be in a chalk art phase now! Such an inexpensive way to make a big impact!