New Family Photos!

It's been two years since we've had family photos taken, which may not sound like a long time, except in our last photos Camille was only a year old and Lila was 4 months away from being born!  I was so excited to finally get some pictures of us as a family of four!  My good friend Becky of Studio 623 Photography has taken photos of our girls as newborns, babies, and toddlers and of us as a family. 

These are just a few of the pictures I loved.  There were over 100, so I'm going to need to make a photo book to use all of my favorites!

In other news, I'm the guest host this week at the Mingle With Us Blog Hop!  So fun!

Happy Go Lucky
AND, I won my first giveaway!  I entered at Pincushion Creations and won a darling rolled flower pin from Sarah at the Winthrop Chronicles.  I am so excited and can't wait to see it!
